Looking to build a Man Cave? Why not attach to your dream shop!  This GB#2322 is a 60x96x18 Lined and Insulated Shop located in the Muscatine, Iowa area. The owner chose the wide clear span for ample room to work on and store

farm equipment. The Man Cave has been a great hang out for their family. Watching TV, entertaining guests or just a classy clean way of displaying their hobbies. Matt, the owner, says it has been a great idea and they are really enjoying the space.

Pole Barn Farm Shop located in Muscatine, Iowa.

Muscatine, Iowa Post Frame Pole Barn Farm Shop and Man Cave.

Muscatine Bue Grass Iowa Post frame pole barn

Muscatine, Iowa Farm Shop Lined and Insulated Post Frame Pole Barn.

Farm Shop Lined and Insulated machine Shed

Iowa Post Frame Pole Barn located in Muscatine, Iowa. Great wide clear span for farm equipment.

lined and insulated shop machine shed

Man Cave with Kitchen. Located off of the owners farm shop.

Iowa Post frame pole barn built by Greiner Buildings

Man Cave off of the owners pole barn machine shed.

Iowa Pole Barn

Lined and Insulated Post Frame Pole Barn Machine Shed with porch and overhead doors built by Greiner Buildings.

Greiner Buildings, Inc built the Lined and Insulated Shop, while Matt, the owner, finished off his Man Cave with help from friends. Color matching doors, cupulas, and wainscoting add to the beauty of this farm shop. Not only is it a comfortable environment to work, but also to enjoy with friends and family.

If you would like to enjoy the comforts of a dream shop, machine shed, garage or man cave, please give Greiner Buildings, Inc. a call for your FREE QUOTE at (888)466-4139. We would be happy to discuss the benefits of a post frame pole building, your options and the quality of product our GB Team has to offer. We can design, create post plans, give you an accurate 3D drawing of the building on the property, help with building site suggestions and construct your building ALL IN HOUSE.  We are ready to help!