Teammate Tuesday | Rachel Fishback
Position: Corporate/CMO | Creative Marketing Officer since 2016.
Hometown: Grew up in the Brighton, Iowa area, Graduate of Washington High School and have always been around the Washington area since college.
Family: My four kids Madison (17), RyLee (15), Clay (13) and Tessa (11). They keep me pretty busy and on my toes. They also LOVE to pull pranks and jokes on me. I will give them credit, they are pretty good at it!
Favorite Food: You can’t go wrong with a great steak, baked potato and salad.
Favorite Hobbies: I love taking pictures, glazing pottery, baking, cooking or anything artsy.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Somewhere warm and tropical with sandy beaches.
Favorite tool to use in your everyday career and why you couldn’t be without it: My cell phone. It helps me get to job sites (thanks google maps), call for help, and check emails.
What might be an interesting fact about yourself that others may not know? I am pretty passionate about agriculture. From choring cattle and grinding feed growing up to operating combines, tractors, grain carts, augers, hauling seed tenders… pretty fun. I’ve served in many boards both local and state, as well as lobbied in Des Moines and Washington D.C. on behalf of rural issues with Iowa Farm Bureau. Pigs are my favorite animal. Walking into a hog building with boots or high heels is something I could do every day. Holding baby pigs are my favorite farm thing to do. 2019 marks my fifteenth year of being a 4H leader in Washington County.
What brought you to GB? I was drawn to telling the story of Greiner Buildings, Inc. Covering their buildings and crews is a wonderful experience. Photographing the team and the projects have been very rewarding for me.
Do you have a particular GB job that you have been involved and really take pride in? They all have amazing stories and purposes for our customers. I’m pretty lucky to be able to go into all of the structures to capture the buildings once they are finished and being used. I enjoy talking to all of the customers and hearing their stories behind their toys, collectibles and building purpose.
What is the favorite part about your career? Telling the story of our team and the buildings we construct. I’m always trying to make sure I fully represent the craftsmanship the group has put forth in a customer’s dream.
What do you really enjoy about working at GB? The collaboration of the Greiner Buildings team. We all seem to get along really well, casual and business settings. I know I can always count on everyone around here to make me laugh. The changing landscape of what we do on a daily basis – we’re always working on designing a solution to a customer’s wants and needs.
How has the post frame industry changed for you? I would say the design overall. Post frame construction has advanced so much from a square box. The possibilities are endless!
What is your favorite exterior building color/combination? Red and Black
Do you have a special quote or saying you live by or resonate with and why?
“The seeing see little.” Helen Keller| It reminds me look around so much more and take in the details.
“Always take pictures. You never get the time back.” My dad | Crazy how that line has stuck in my head since junior high. Look at me now, dad!
Do you have a bucket list item you would love to accomplish? I have a HUGE bucket list. I would say top two I hope to accomplish is seeing Aerosmith in Vegas for their 50th year anniversary and touring the Biltmore Estate in Ashville, North Carolina.